From Classroom to Cubicle: Why You Don’t Need to Dread Office Life
Work gives us the chance to obey God’s command to actively love and humbly serve others, so that they, too, can encounter his love and care for every person on this earth.
Just Tell Me What I Need to Know: Should I Go to Grad School After College?
This question about grad school, which ties in closely with life direction, actually deals with calling and vocation in its very core.
Just Tell Me What I Need to Know: Loneliness After College
It is not good for us to be alone. And yet, in the hands of God, loneliness can transform.
Just Tell Me What I Need to Know: Community After College
It’s Friday night. After a long week, you just want to relax—preferably with a group of friends or even just one. The only problem is that there’s no one to hang out with.
3 Tips for Keeping Friendships Strong After College
Don’t wait until December to learn how to be a good post-grad friend. Here are three ways you can love your college friends well after graduation.
How to Love God (and Others) with Your Mind
In college, I spent countless hours studying: polishing essays, working through complex derivations, learning new vocabulary. In the busyness, I was often drawn back to the greatest commandment: “Honor the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” I wondered especially about honoring God with my mind.
How to Start Reading the Bible Daily
There is a world of difference between knowing that we should do something and actually doing it, isn’t there?