By Helen Troutman

I am not a leader. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. The problem is, no one but me seems to believe it. Ever since my staff worker encouraged me to fill out that leadership application at the end of my freshman year, I have been surrounded by people who are constantly calling me to lead stuff.

By Keith Sun

As we go deeper in following Jesus, we all at some point enter into a heart-wrenching wrestling match with God in which we repeatedly ask whether he’s truly out for our best interest.

By Willie Krischke

The last thing I want to do is perpetuate a stereotype. Every now and then I meet someone who still thinks Native Americans have a “special connection” with the earth—that they can talk to animals or put their ear to the ground and hear a herd of buffalo coming from ten miles away.

By Neal Samudre

For some, college is like a trampoline. There are a lot of ups and downs, but for the most part, it’s an exhilarating and exciting time.

Alec Hill reports InterVarsity's Staff Conference in 2014 will focus on world changers.

By Erica

Just last semester, I was leading a Bible study with some friends who don’t follow Jesus, and one of them texted me out of the blue asking, “Erica, can God help me love myself more?”

God is using the faith of her friends to give Yvonne a global vision.

By Ona Strikas

InterVarsity is very good at getting college students out of their conventional Sunday-school comfort zone. It is very good at calling us to “pick up our cross daily and follow him,” and to radically love the forgotten and downtrodden that Christ cared so much for. 

By Katya Schmidt

My faked indifference, Is my witness. I’m not in the best... Fitness of heart and mind—Doing the daily grind. I gotta stop for a second ’cause truly loving meets resistance.

Noemi discovered her passion for Bible study at Fresno State.
