By Katie Ziegler

Advent is a season of anticipation. Anticipation for a Savior to bring light into a dark world. But it has a melancholy tenor to it. It’s the time before the joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that we remember at Christmas. A time of uncertainty.

Four executive vice presidents are named to prepare InterVarsity for more growth.

By Jonathan Rice

The Nicene Council decided that the triune Godhead is fully present in Jesus, in whom the reality of God’s love for humanity is demonstrated. Furthermore, and most importantly for our understanding of missional Christianity, the incarnation implies our participation in this fallen world’s healing.

InterVarsity students responded with compassion after a campus tragedy.

More than one million college students from abroad are now studying on U.S. campuses.

The First Amendment covers all religious individuals and campus organizations.

By Tish Harrison Warren

For the time being, I’m ignoring the toys and socks strewn across my living room to sit on my couch and drink tea. 

By Adam Jeske

Sadly, we in the U.S. are not widely recognized as learners, as thoughtful disciples, as understanding people. We are still mostly known for our lack of language learning, our ethnocentricity, and our cultural imperialism, all understandably. But thankfully, we are growing.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was officially incorporated on November 14, 1941.

InterVarsity president Tom Lin sent this post-election reflection to all InterVarsity staff.
