Mark Manuscript Bible Study, "the best thing we do."

By Josh Harper

A girl in her mid-teens sprints past me on the sidewalk where I load a bed frame into a truck outside my house in Oakland, California. She isn’t out for a jog; she runs like her life depends on it.

Students are being challenged with contrasting visions of success.

By Carolyn Carney

David Wells, in his essay for the Perspectives Reader, “Prayer: Rebelling Against the Status Quo,” claims that our prayers are limp not because we don’t know how to pray, but that we don’t understand the true nature of prayer.

By Lisa Liou

Imagine a kindergartener looking solemnly at a plate of broccoli. Now imagine hearing a father’s instructing voice, “In our family, we do things we don’t like.”

Historically it was common to pause and pray specifically for the campus.

By Steve Tamayo

All across the United States, Latino student enrollment has increased. This recent report by the Pew Hispanic Center detailed a 24% spike in Hispanic college enrollment—in one year.

Paula Puckett works with graduate students at George Mason University

By Robbie Castleman

Heart transplant patients understand the concept of losing life to find life. For eighteen years I was a critical-care nurse specialist.

By Gordon Govier

Last Saturday Jeremy Lin was an unknown, sitting at the end of the Knicks bench in Madison Square Garden and wondering if his dream of playing in the NBA was about to evaporate like a mist.
