By Lauren Anderson

“. . . and well, God is in my life now,” Sam said with a smile, as she hopped out of her chair and ran around the room, holding out her hands to receive high-fives from our chapter.

Chad Britten works with chapters on two completely opposite types of college campuses.

By Adam Jeske

Since February 4, 2004, the number of Facebook users has risen from zero to about 800,000,000, or 11% of the world’s population. That’s a lot of Farmville. As most of us in the U.S., particularly on campus, are on Facebook, I’ve been thinking about how I should use it.

By Becky Silva

What comes to mind when you hear missions or missionary? Does it conjure up images of rural living in straw huts in underdeveloped Africa? Is it a life devoid of all knowledge of American pop culture, technology, and internet? I’m a missionary, and I live in Madison, WI.

Paul Borthwick is a missions consultant who travels the globe, and offers an Urbana sneak peak.

At Christmas we remember that Jesus came to earth with a global mission.

By Julia Powers

Recently I’ve talked with a number of peers who (like myself) have one or more parents who are not Christians or who are nominal Christians, showing little desire to read Scripture, pray, pursue community, or discuss anything spiritual. We've expressed to one another doubts that we, as "just their children," have the ability to affect change.

Alec Hill notes that of all the characteristics of a disciple, none is more basic than obedience.

A college student's journey from Buddhism through pantheism and atheism to Jesus Christ.

InterVarsity has returned to Mizzou, the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia.
