A student leader emerges at Pomona College.

A recent federal mandate violates a long-held American social contract.

By Gordon Govier

The Super Bowl has already morphed from the premiere football attraction to a showcase for commercial creativity, at least in the minds of some fans.

By Brittany Small

I don’t know if everyone can say that they work with people who are changing the world. I can. I work with students who partner with God in bringing the truth of the gospel to their dorm communities, their apartment complexes, their classes, their intramural teams, their friends—to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and to campuses around the globe.

InterVarsity’s staff, students, faculty supporters, alumni, and friends are asked to be in prayer.

Amy Wells spent her summer with InterVarsity's Chicago Urban Project.

By Bobby Gross

It never would have occurred to my parents to select readings for our family story time that reflected the Christian year. They were unfamiliar with it, as was I for many years. For example, in my senior year of college, my literary-minded apartment-mate proposed throwing a Twelfth Night party à la Shakespeare.

InterVarsity Press was honored in the 2012 Christianity Today Book Awards and Leadership Journal's Golden Canon

By Bob Grahmann

Perhaps you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to start reading your Bible or to read it more often. Great!

Bear Trap Ranch in Colorado is now operated by the Band of Brothers ministry.
