Community and Relationships

By Colleen Degen

For those unfamiliar with Catholicism and its beliefs, it may seem complicated, antiquated, and full of ritual. But, having been raised in the Catholic Church, I recognize the ways I have been formed by its teachings and its history, and see ways that it has much to offer the broader Church.

By Chandra Crane

Presbyterians aren’t usually seen as being the life of the party. But I am grateful for the ways the gospel is preached, in all its nuance and life-giving truth, at my Presbyterian church in Jackson, Mississippi. 

By Drew Larson

Aren’t you a little curious what similarities and passions you might share with your neighbors in the faith? Crack open the door of your tradition and peek behind some of the others by reading first-person reflections from a selection of denominations and traditions.

By Drew Larson

My parents didn’t know about the Enneagram back in 1989. If they had, it would have been pretty clear to them what was up: I was a Four. My flagship quote could be this bit of dialogue from Doctor Who: “What’s good about sad?” “It’s happy, for deep people.”


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