Community and Relationships

By Emily Baez, Hannah Keziah Agustin, Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp and Drew Larson

We believe everyone should join InterVarsity! Here are five reasons.

By Lisa Schrad

Goodbyes are never easy, but we can learn to navigate them with wisdom and grace. Here are some tips on how!

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

No one would have thought that Lucas, the freshman drained by the church, would become Lucas the senior who would lead his chapter in studying Scripture, having a heart posture of worship, and creating a community that reflects the love that Jesus has for each of us.

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Connect with God, community, nature, and yourself at chapter camp. It's an experience you don't want to miss! 

By Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

Getting involved in organizations in college can be overwhelming. Here are four tips for choosing and getting the most out of the clubs you join in college. 

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

It's necessary that we as Gen Z know what we bring to the table and celebrate the unique quirks and characteristics that God has given us.

By Drew Larson

Loneliness is a remarkably durable, stubbornly persistent feature of life, no matter what kind of community we do or don’t have. In this isolated and anxious age, we need to have properly calibrated expectations for what community can — and can’t — do for loneliness.

By Andy Kim

Are you satisfied with your relationships? If you’re like most Americans, you probably aren’t. But here are five practices that can help you develop deep friendships.

By Bridget Gee

Now I often find myself hunched over my phone in line at the grocery store or sitting in my car checking TikTok for some fresh hits of dopamine before I set out on my way. It’s like I’d rather have something take up the space in my mind than be alone with the quiet of my own thoughts anymore.


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