Community and Relationships

By Bridget Gee

We are not called to live life alone or in fear. So how do we get ourselves unstuck? Here’s some advice on how to deal with loneliness (both short-term and long-term).

By Nathan Peterson

Should you try online dating? After months of asking myself that same question, I decided to try it out for about half a year. Here are a few things I wish I would have thought about before diving into the quirky complexity that is online dating.

By Brenda Jo Wong

"Numerous people are committed to me like family, and I am included in their families and celebrations. God has given me the security of knowing that I belong, I am loved, and I am accepted unconditionally."

By Bridget Gee

"God has slowly but surely revealed to me that my endless striving for love and admiration has been in vain, and that if I continued after it, it would also be an ever-smoldering oven, constantly needing to be fueled and fed. It was an idol."

By Brenda Jo Wong

A crucial gift that God has given us is Christian community. And by community, I don’t just mean Christians who hang out together but friends who lovingly speak God’s truth in grace to keep us on the right path. This is the kind of community the Bible encourages us toward.


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