Spiritual Formation
Are Your Prayers Anxiety-Driven?
Our job in prayer is to bring the anxiety to Jesus and invite him to come care for us.
What Can We Do When Life Just … Sucks?
Ultimately, I've come to see that suffering (whether big or small), struggle, and pain are realities in the Christian life. That's why we need to get real with Jesus and trust that he is at work.
Jesus and Joysticks: How Playing Games Shaped My Faith
Gaming can be a form of ministry. It can teach us to embrace places of discomfort and to love one another in that.
How to Let Classes Become a Nightmare of Burnout & Exhaustion (and How to Actually Do Well in School)
You’ve heard college horror stories: stacks of books to read, professors with high expectations, vague directions and having to wing assignments. These things might definitely happen in college. But it doesn’t have to result in extreme burnout and stress. Here are some tips to help you find a healthy balance between school and fun
25 Songs to Help You Go Back to School
Need some encouragement for back to school? Listen to this staff-curated worship playlist!
Major Decisions: Honoring God in Your Work and Studies
Perhaps you're a freshman or sophomore who needs to declare a major soon. You're overwhelmed by the options and need guidance on where to start. Or you know what you want but seek reassurance. Here are a few perspectives that may help.
How to Avoid Burnout
When we say "no" to nothing, we're unable to say "yes" to important, faith-building, character-shaping practices that sustain us for the long haul.
Why You Should Join InterVarsity
We believe everyone should join InterVarsity! Here are five reasons.
How to Have a Stale Relationship with Jesus (And How to Actually Grow in Your Faith in College)
Want to know how to grow your faith in college? Let us tell you how.
Anxiety and Prayer: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why?
Anxiety drove me into the arms of Jesus. And over the years, I began to see patterns of how some ways of prayer mirror psychotherapy techniques that help reduce anxiety. Going further and studying spiritual formation, I was exposed to even more ways to pray in ways that are helpful. I was intrigued that the little bit of neuroscience that had informed my early graduate work helped me make sense of new discoveries about the brain and how it’s shaped by anxiety and reshaped by various forms of prayer.