Spiritual Formation

By X. Nader Sahyouni

Anxiety drove me into the arms of Jesus. And over the years, I began to see patterns of how some ways of prayer mirror psychotherapy techniques that help reduce anxiety. Going further and studying spiritual formation, I was exposed to even more ways to pray in ways that are helpful. I was intrigued that the little bit of neuroscience that had informed my early graduate work helped me make sense of new discoveries about the brain and how it’s shaped by anxiety and reshaped by various forms of prayer.

By Drew Larson

Behind Good Friday’s violence lies something more startling and, in some ways, even closer to our daily experience: Good Friday’s boredom. 

By Steve Tamayo

Each of us wears cultural lenses. Our culture lenses shape our worldview, our relationships, our behavior … even the way we read the Bible.

By Drew Larson

But the phenomenon of highway hypnosis reveals that there are many, many ways in which you are not the boss. You are so not the boss of you, in fact, that your conscious mind can take a full daydream holiday while you’re driving and some other part of you will manage that unbelievably complex task quite well.

By Steve Tamayo

Healthy accountability friendships give us space for self-discovery and for deep and genuine friendships. This leads to less anxiety, higher performance at work and school, and spiritual transformation.

By Adam and Christine Jeske

Each fall brings a few million new students to campus in the U.S., and the transition to college is one of the great hallmarks of life in our culture. Or, to put it more colloquially, it’s freakin’ crazy. In fact, here's an ode written especially for that experience we all know as Freshman Move-In Day...

By Nathan Peterson

Inherently, we know that the act of breathing, blinking, existing isn’t enough. We were made for more. We want to feel alive. And whether we’re aware of it or not, the way we go about our lives shows what kinds of things we believe will give us life.


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