Spiritual Formation
Cultivating Resilience during Back-to-School Season
I am keenly aware that our bodies have absorbed a gauntlet of grief throughout this traumatic year. And some of us, for the first time since March 2020, are stepping onto campuses that have been closed for over a year. How then, when we are committed to seeing God’s kingdom come on campus, do we enter NSO well?
Writing as Worship—Finding Beauty within Words
Last-minute final papers, weekly discussion posts, and 12-page reports that seem to extend forever—don’t worry, I know the feeling too. For those of us who are students (and some of us who aren’t as well), there are some days—maybe even many days—when writing feels like a chore, something on a checklist to cross off.
Light in the Darkness—How to Face Our Pain & Love Others
Even in many places across the country where COVID restrictions are being lifted, and campuses are reopening soon, many things are still difficult with no easy solutions. We can’t avoid the darkness that surfaced in the last year and a half. It can feel overwhelming.
3 Reasons to Go to Church In-Person
In an age of world-class preachers available at the click of a button, why should anyone bother going to a local church in-person and listen to a perhaps less gifted pastor exposit Scripture?
Counselor’s Corner—Psalm 23 & 3 Tips to Handle Stress
We are experiencing stressors stacked up, one on top of each other. Thankfully, there are things that we can do to deal with this stress.
Reimagining Perseverance in a Pandemic
Perseverance can feel like a dental visit; you don’t want it but know it’s good for you. And now, with the pandemic officially more than a year in, it feels like we’re being asked to endure still a little more.
What Responsibilities Should I Accept? 6 Helpful Discernment Questions
With so many people hurting right now, I want to be available to everyone. But I’ll never be able to hold all that responsibility in my tiny little pockets. Jesus never asked me to.
The True Gift of Healing Prayer
I heard a sermon about how the true beauty of healing prayer lies in its portrayal of the kingdom of heaven. It invites us to know Jesus more intimately. I didn’t really understand this until I saw healing prayer work differently than I expected.
White-knuckling It through 2020
As this year draws to a close, I realize I’ve too often been white-knuckling my way through it, just trying to hold on, keeping my grip for just a little longer. And that’s just not healthy.
Thriving in the Matrix: A Call to Social Media Breaks
Sometimes it feels like we live in the Matrix. These days, what’s real or simulated blurs into confusion. We’re Zoom Zombies submerged in social media, navigating the news as we confront new constrictions.