Why the Incarnation Is the Answer to Isolation
Leave it to G. K. Chesterton to write an essay called “In Defence of Baby Worship.”
Crossing Cultures at the Table
Crossing cultures doesn’t simply happen when you board a plane or go overseas.
What Spiritual Warfare Is (and What It Definitely Isn’t)
There is a reason why Paul writes about putting on “the whole armor of God” in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
It used to be that people named their children based on what the name meant.
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
“WAAAAA!” When I heard this sound a half dozen times a day I undoubtedly could look down to find my 18-month-old son, Josiah, jabbing his right index finger into the palm of his left hand.
Blessed Are the Meek
In the movie Django Unchained, a freed slave named Django is employed by a bounty hunter.