By Lauren Anderson

I’ve been asking myself that question a lot recently. I’m a junior living in the dorms. That doesn’t make sense. At least that’s what people tell me.

Rebecca started at Western Nevada College three years ago, transferred to the University of Nevada, Reno, but now is back at Western Nevada.

On campuses across the country, students this fall are excited about how easy and fun it is to do evangelism.
By Amy Hauptman

Stuff. It’s everywhere. And we love it. Consumerism! The Musical is a hilarious critique of the culture we live in.  In this musical, consumerism is the air we breathe, the song we sing, the dance we dance.

InterVarsity president Alec Hill talks with University of Wisconsin-Madison chapter president Lauren Anderson about welcoming new students to campus.

By Rachel Kuhn

As I drove to school to start our week of New Student Outreach, I prayed for divine encounters. God was listening and I did not have to wait long for a response. As I passed a guy on a moped, I felt God say to me, “You are going to talk with him today.” I glanced at the guy’s brown shirt so I’d know what to look for.

Ashley Smith is changing the campus culture at Washington University and Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis.

By Nathan Albert

“A NEW command I give you: love one another.  As I have loved you so you must love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

At Wake Forest University InterVarsity students are out to share Jesus’ offer of “living water.”

By Emery Silva

You have heard the many appeals about why you should go Greek. Leadership positions, lasting friendships, community service events, worthwhile philanthropies, high academic standards, energetic social life, and professional networking opportunities are all reasons to join, and the list goes on.
