By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Joshua’s only focus as he prepared to start college was to do well in school so he could become a successful, wealthy doctor. He thought his plans for his future had no room for extracurriculars. 

But then, even though he grew up in church, he was surprised to learn that there were organizations devoted to living out faith on campus. He attended an activities fair and was immediately drawn to InterVarsity’s diversity, vulnerability, and lack of polish.

“They were awkward,” Joshua said. “I really liked that. They felt like real people.”

One Pivotal Question

As Joshua became more involved in InterVarsity’s community, he quickly pursued becoming a leader.

“I was eager,” he said. “I was arrogant and thought, I have so much to offer you guys.” Joshua had always been a leader in everything he did in high school, but his faith, he realizes in hindsight, was very performative.

By Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

InterVarsity chapters develop student leaders who become world-changing alumni. Many of our ministries on campus wouldn’t be possible without these alumni generously giving their resources and time to continue serving  students as volunteer staff — like Dez and Jay-La.

By Emily Baez

Most people worry that college is where students lose their faith. Sadly, many do. But, we’ve also found that college is an ideal place to help students grow their faith and introduce them to Jesus. Every day, through your prayers, volunteer time, and generosity, you’re helping InterVarsity staff and student leaders reach students who might feel lonely or lost. We help show them what it looks like to follow Jesus as an adult and to make their faith their own during the most formative years of their lives. For some, like Matthew, these interactions happen at just the right time. 

By Emily Baez

When Tim decided to go to Mark Camp, he expected the same kind of experience he'd had at other Christian retreats: a spiritual high followed by the lulls and lows of everyday life. What he got instead was a week of learning that shaped his faith for the long haul. 

By Christopher K. Lee

We've bought into misguided cultural narratives about faith. Rather than being the light of the world, reflecting God's perfect radiance, our light is filtered through our cultural lenses.

By Stephan Teng

Saying goodbye to leaders can be hard. Some of us will feel confused about what happens next while others may feel fearful of the shoes we’re stepping into. Thankfully, we aren’t the first to experience such transitions. 



By Emily Baez

Alexa McClean and Calvin Chan, Associate Directors for National Arts Ministry, speak about the significance of Arts Ministry on college campuses.

By Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

Last summer, I planned an overnight silent retreat. I didn’t talk to a soul for nearly 24 hours. Here’s what I learned and what I want to share with you.


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