Spiritual Formation

By Steven Grahmann

I’ve read books about prayer. I’ve been to weekend-long trainings on prayer. I’ve given sermons on prayer.

By Lisa Schrad

Here is something you should know if you want to be a successful adult: moving does not happen on its own.

By Alison Smith

Examen has drawn me more deeply into knowing God and myself. Through it, God has increased my gratitude and contentment while decreasing my anxiety and tendency to struggle with hope. It has also deepened my relationships with others.

By Casey Beckley

For many of us, great InterVarsity staff workers are sometimes the closest thing we have to what we might consider modern-day saints. So as a very new follower of Jesus at 20 years of age, I had to work up a lot of courage to tell my staff worker about a secret sin that had been suffocating me ever since I realized how wrong it was.

By Andrea Lama

The sacrament of Communion seems a bit odd from our modern eyes. 


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