When I look at a screen these days, a bunch of ads are tapping me on the shoulder trying to get my attention. I can’t even play a game on my phone, watch a show on my laptop, or send an email without a barrage of ads whispering, “Psst, buddy. Have I got a deal for you!”

And they’re sneaky. Like they know what I’ve been talking about. The ads align with something I’ve said that week. I’ll randomly mention somebody’s smart watch dying, and soon there are ads for smart watches on everything I look at.

I mostly ignore them. I don’t remember the ad I saw an hour ago on my Yahtzee with Buddies game. But those things seep into my soul, I’m positive. What goes into my brain affects what comes out in terms of my desires. Input = output.

By Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

Last summer, I planned an overnight silent retreat. I didn’t talk to a soul for nearly 24 hours. Here’s what I learned and what I want to share with you.

By Taylor Straatmann
I often don’t feel the way I think I should. This Easter, we're reminded that even when we don't feel hopeful, the good news of Jesus is our hope.
By Emily Baez

New age practices promise to deliver on some deep human desires we’ve always had and always will have. When we investigate these desires, we’ll not only find that they’re natural and normal, but they’re also best satisfied in deep relationship with Jesus.  

By Nathan Peterson

God made us and made us for him. In ways we can’t fully understand, we crave him. But we do everything we can to satisfy that craving with earthly things. This is why we’re tired. This is why we need true rest.

By Schuyler Kitchin

God’s people can meet God in the temple and in the wilderness, in spring and in winter. 

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Going to church on Sundays was no longer enough for Cade. He wanted to see the hope of Jesus proclaimed in the streets for all people to hear.

By Eva Liu Glick

I was operating unconsciously as if everybody shared my Christian knowledge and views. It was my wake-up call. I needed to invest in friendships with non-Christians again, and that would require intentional effort.

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Fall Conference was where God prepared me for years of serving my campus. I knew that he was going to do the same for the eager students who showed up in 2023.


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