What Difference Does Prayer Make in the World?

Do I really believe that change would come if I stopped my “actions” and “just” prayed for reconciliation and justice and provision for those in need? And do I really believe, when I am working for justice, that it’s actually God who brings about the change, and not me? Most of the time, I’m not sure I do.

The Attitudes That Keep Us from True Community

Finding community is hard. We cautiously and optimistically put ourselves out there—we make introductions, learn names, give hugs, take risks, and make invitations like we’re staving off a great white shark in a scene from Jaws. And just like Martin Brody, we’re preoccupied with one question: “Will I survive this?”

3 Lessons from the Gym on Faith and Pursuing Our Passions

Sometimes faith and a passion for fitness can feel like they're in tension. But the habits of a gym rat have redemptive qualities that can be applied to our walk with Christ.

How the Place We Choose to Live Grows Our Faith

If there’s one thing that’s helped to keep me rooted and growing, it’s been paying attention to place.

The Heart of Servanthood

How should we think about serving? If we love doing it, are we fulfilling Jesus’ call to give up our lives? And how can we learn to love sacrificially, in ways that cost us something?

Who Do You Want to Be? An Interview with Author Suanne Camfield, Part Two

We’re back today with part two of our interview with Suanne Camfield about her book, The Sound of a Million Dreams: Awakening to Who You Are Becoming. Check out part one of the interview here.

Who Do You Want to Be? An Interview with Author Suanne Camfield, Part One

It’s still technically summer, but also, as we prepare for the arrival of fall in a few weeks, the perfect time to think more about pursuing our dreams and callings, refraining from comparison, taking risks, facing fears, and being faithful.

Discovering God in the Middle of a Career Nightmare

The more people I talk to, the more it seems like everybody has had at least one summer job they’ll never forget no matter how much they may want to.

Mine was counting worms for a bait shop. (Yours probably doesn’t sound so bad now, right? Ha, ha, ha.)

The Sorrow and Mercy of God

“What is this you have done?”

These words from God to Eve in Genesis 3:13 are always heart-wrenching to me when I read them. I imagine so much anguish in his voice.

Why Faith Needs Curiosity: Summer Reading Series

What if Jesus is actually more interested in our curiosity than our certainty?

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