5 Things I've Learned in 5 Years Since Graduating

Our number one passion should be Jesus and living for him—when we’re in college, five years out, 40 years out, and for our whole lives.

Does it Spark Joy? Decluttering Your Soul and Finding Joy

Tidying up like Marie Kondo is taking the world by storm. But what were to happen if we decluttered our souls? Here's how to do that. 

It's Summer! Now What? 4 Reasons Why We Don't Rest

When we have completed our assignments or poured our lives out, we are given the grace to put our full weight onto the arms of God and allow ourselves to be carried into a season of recovery and rest. Here are a few reasons why I think it's difficult to allow ourselves to rest and receive deep replenishment after we've drained all our energy.


Unexpected, Unplanned, & Uncertain—Walking with God Through Change

Change and transitions sometimes happen at unplanned times. Read how one InterVarsity staff learned to rely on God through change, rather than relying on her planner. 

Avengers: Endgame & Christianity

Avengers: Endgame struck a chord in people across the world. And like other art forms, it provides an inside look into today’s Western culture, especially when we consider the movie from a Christian perspective.

4 Ways to Experience God in Transition

Life is full of transitions, both exciting and painful. But how do we go through tranistions and difficult seasons with God? How did Moses? 

Spiritual Discipline Tips from an Introvert and Extrovert

Are you an introvert or extravert? Here are some spiritual disciplines for both. 

Christians and Online Dating: 3 Things to Consider

Should you try online dating? After months of asking myself that same question, I decided to try it out for about half a year. Here are a few things I wish I would have thought about before diving into the quirky complexity that is online dating.

Does it Spark Joy? Being Obedient with Possessions

"If I’m not tied down by physical things or how they define me, I’m free to love who and how God shows me, here or anywhere."

The Lies FOMO Tells Us

Believing FOMO’s lies has only left me disappointed, looking for another quick fix, another move to help relieve those thoughts of missing out. It’s a never-ending cycle that leaves me restless and wondering what to try and where to go next. 

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