Stories from Campus


Sarah LaLond

It would take time and vulnerability, but God would use InterVarsity to transform my narrative of guilt and loneliness into a story of radical grace and true connection.


Joy Zhou

“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?" - Matthew 18:12

Two summers ago, I was a lost sheep.

Finding a New Frequency—Breakthrough in the Bible Belt

The University of Alabama (UA)—Alabama Area Director Clayton Cullaton slumped against the folding table, set up in the middle of the student center. In his hands was a whiteboard with “What’s your purpose?” scrawled in red marker.

Crowds of students passed him by, earbuds in, eyes straight ahead. Clayton had managed to get curious looks from a couple people. But even after he waved them over, most kept going.

He glanced down at the whiteboard with a sigh. This year’s New Student Outreach (NSO), like the past few before it, was off to a frustrating start.

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