Spiritual Formation

By Linson Daniel

I remember sitting next to the bed of one of my mentors and holding her hand as she was dying of cancer. 

By Julia Powers

“I’m good.” “It’s all good.” “Good news!” The word good is our default for anything vaguely positive. But what do we mean when we talk about goodness? 

By Jessica Fick

In Galatians, love is the first fruit of the Spirit listed. Perhaps that’s because love is what enables us to develop the other fruits of the Spirit in our lives, paving the way for what God wants to do in our hearts.

By Jessica Fick

Many of you have probably made resolutions or goals to be more awesome this year. 

By Matt Meyer

“That’s not a good prayer,” my InterVarsity staff member challenged me, much to my surprise. 

By Drew Larson

For all its manifold charms—Vince Guaraldi’s evergreen jazz score first among them—the highlight of the Charlie Brown Christmas special is the moment when Linus recites the story of the angels announcing Jesus’ birth.


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