By Drew Larson

The canon of Instagram Verses includes some bits of Scripture and excludes others. Left on the outside are verses that are equally hope-filled, soul-stirring, and heart-invigorating, yet just don’t “look” the part.

By Brenda Jo Wong

Even in many places across the country where COVID restrictions are being lifted, and campuses are reopening soon, many things are still difficult with no easy solutions. We can’t avoid the darkness that surfaced in the last year and a half. It can feel overwhelming.

By JP Legarte

“Why won’t you give these things to me, God? I’ve done so much for you!” I asked during my senior year of high school. It honestly felt like my aspirations were falling apart right in front of me.

By Calvin York

When I spend time with my chapter, whether it’s a casual hangout or a large or small group, I am continually reminded of how fantastic my community is. They breathe so much more life into me than any Riverdale twist could.

By Greg Jao

And as we consider one of the core tenets of our faith, that Jesus’ work on the cross reconciles us both to God and others (Eph 2:14–17), we see this as the foundation for biblical reconciliation. Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the basis for the unity that we believe already exists among God’s people of every ethnicity and culture.

By Jason Gaboury

In an age of world-class preachers available at the click of a button, why should anyone bother going to a local church in-person and listen to a perhaps less gifted pastor exposit Scripture?

By Emily Baez

After a year or more of pandemic disruptions, many end-of-the-year InterVarsity Chapter Focus Weeks and Chapter Camps across the country resumed this past month. Read about three of these from different campuses and areas, and how they gave students fresh hope. 

By Kelly Aalseth

Having a certain level of social anxiety after a year-plus of isolation is to be expected. Some of you are about to go back to campus or start working in-person for the first time in a long while. That’s a really big change!

By Emily Baez

Anxiety is a monster, an intense, often debilitating monster. It can cripple us with fear and keep us from living our lives. If there ever was a time to call out the monster, it’s now.


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