Growing up in a Christian household, I put my faith in Jesus at a very young age. I had been a Christian since before I could remember but had never actually talked with anyone about my beliefs. I knew a lot of Bible verses, but I had never gone deeper than the words on the page. 

I’d been a Christian for so long, I had stopped asking questions. 

Realizing this, I decided that, should I get into college, I would have to take things more seriously, both academically and spiritually. So when I was accepted into the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, that’s exactly what I set about doing. 

By Christopher K. Lee

We've bought into misguided cultural narratives about faith. Rather than being the light of the world, reflecting God's perfect radiance, our light is filtered through our cultural lenses.

By Stephan Teng

Saying goodbye to leaders can be hard. Some of us will feel confused about what happens next while others may feel fearful of the shoes we’re stepping into. Thankfully, we aren’t the first to experience such transitions. 



By Emily Baez

Alexa McClean and Calvin Chan, Associate Directors for National Arts Ministry, speak about the significance of Arts Ministry on college campuses.

By Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

Last summer, I planned an overnight silent retreat. I didn’t talk to a soul for nearly 24 hours. Here’s what I learned and what I want to share with you.

By Taylor Straatmann
I often don’t feel the way I think I should. This Easter, we're reminded that even when we don't feel hopeful, the good news of Jesus is our hope.
By Emily Baez

New age practices promise to deliver on some deep human desires we’ve always had and always will have. When we investigate these desires, we’ll not only find that they’re natural and normal, but they’re also best satisfied in deep relationship with Jesus.  

By Nathan Peterson

God made us and made us for him. In ways we can’t fully understand, we crave him. But we do everything we can to satisfy that craving with earthly things. This is why we’re tired. This is why we need true rest.

By Schuyler Kitchin

God’s people can meet God in the temple and in the wilderness, in spring and in winter. 


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