Ethnicity, Reconciliation, and Justice

Relentless Acts: Is Your Activism Sexy?

“He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid...

How You Can Help Latino Students Finish College

All across the United States, Latino student enrollment has increased. This recent report by the Pew Hispanic Center detailed a 24% spike in Hispanic college enrollment—in one year.

The Dark Side of the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl has already morphed from the premiere football attraction to a showcase for commercial creativity, at least in the minds of some fans.

They'll Know We Are Christians

Too often, communities of color find it difficult to differentiate between white Christians and white non-Christians when it comes to issues of racial justice.

Leaving Ignorance on the Plane

It’s been three years since my life was radically awakened. Three years since I got on a plane for twenty-four hours and got off in a completely different world. Three years since an Ethiopian coin was slammed down in front of me and an unforgettable phrase uttered...

Is it better to give or receive?

Moving from the States to serve students in Bosnia & Herzegovina 2 1/2 years ago introduced me to countless different ways of doing life. 

We Are Agents

Among all the things we’re called to care about as Christians, how crucial is racial reconciliation? In an interview with Student Soul, Paula Fuller, Director of Multiethnic Ministries, said...

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