Spiritual Formation

By Lisa Schrad

What do we do with disappointment? What do we do when there’s a gap between what we wanted or expected and what actually happens? Even more, what do we do with God in the face of disappointment?

By Nathan Peterson

Bulging biceps. Watermelon-sized shoulders. Abs so defined you could see them from outer space. No, I’m not describing myself. Well, I guess I sort of am. I’m trying to describe the image in my head of the “ideal me.”

By Drew Larson

My parents didn’t know about the Enneagram back in 1989. If they had, it would have been pretty clear to them what was up: I was a Four. My flagship quote could be this bit of dialogue from Doctor Who: “What’s good about sad?” “It’s happy, for deep people.”

By Kale Uzzle

When I heard about a Christian group on campus, I knew it was something I didn’t want to just join—it was an opportunity for me to step up and lead. I was driven, ambitious, and a little too eager to shine. I was, in short, a young Three on the Enneagram.


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