On the Way Home
Taylor didn’t want to have anything to do with Jesus. But when an opportunity came to serve a hurting community, she joined InterVarsity on a trip that changed her life.
Taylor didn’t want to have anything to do with Jesus. But when an opportunity came to serve a hurting community, she joined InterVarsity on a trip that changed her life.
At a small college in North Carolina, students find welcoming communities in InterVarsity Bible studies.
All Adryahna wanted were true friendships, but what she found was so much more.
Gabby loved basketball but had no idea how God was going to use it to change her life and the lives of others.
“Why did you just walk in, an hour late to this lecture?” the instructor asked the two students who paused at the door of the Friday night EMT training at Amherst College.
Grant, a senior, responded, “Well, we got a text for a sandwich. Did someone here order a sandwich?”
They looked around the hall. The instructor asked, “Who ordered the sandwich?” Finally, a student in the back raised his hand. Grant took him the sandwich and was walking out the door when the instructor spoke again.
“Wait, what just happened here? What are you guys doing?”
At the end of every spring semester, college students across the nation gather for weeklong InterVarsity training conferences called Chapter Focus Weeks. And this year at my area’s chapter camp, I had the honor of team-teaching the second half of the book of Mark. For thirty hours during the week, thirty-two students and my coleader and I joined Jesus and his disciples in the struggle to understand the nature of discipleship and follow Jesus to his cross.
I didn’t expect Jesus to show up in a bar that evening. No, it wasn’t a hipster dude with a big beard. It was at my high school reunion where I reconnected with Chris—a formerly awkward and quiet student who now sported snazzy glasses, stylishly gelled hair, and an identity as an openly gay man.
I love community colleges. When I tell people I work at a community college, most seem surprised or perplexed.